Areas of Practice

I work with a wide range of issues affecting individuals, couples, families and organizations. I have extensive experience in helping individuals with issues of inner conflict, personal stress, trauma and life transitions (sometimes experienced as anxiety, confusion, grief or depression). However, I specialize in relationship issues, working with any kind of relationship that is important to you, including intimate partners (straight or gay), families, friends or work relationships.

Intimate partners come to me wanting better ways of resolving conflicts, of nourishing a faded sense of connection or passion between them, of recovering from a relationship trauma (such as an affair), or of working through struggles regarding money, time, chores and responsibilities, sex or other differences. I work with couples in all stages of relationship, including premarital counseling, marital or other committed relationship counseling, and sometimes divorce counseling (to find a way of separating with minimal bitterness and acrimony).

Families come to me with struggles in parenting young children or adolescents, adoption issues, caring for aging parents, divorced co-parenting, or dealing with blended families, in-laws or other difficulties. Adolescents come for help in dealing with the myriad challenges that face that age group.

People sometimes come to see me when important friendships have become strained and seem at risk of being lost, wanting to work through whatever logjam has developed. Others come for help with work-related issues, sometimes to clarify their own goals and priorities, sometimes for help in dealing with difficult co-workers, managers or employees.

I also work with companies and organizations to provide evaluations of employee effectiveness and satisfaction, as well as offering team effectiveness training and crisis intervention.

Clients who come to me for individual counseling are often dealing with relationship issues too, although the other parties may not be available or willing to resolve these issues with them. Difficulties with parents, siblings, ex-spouses or other close relationships (past or present) can have a profound impact on how my clients feel about themselves, their resilience in the face of change, stress, or uncertainty, their ability to achieve a satisfying work life, and the new relationships they want to form and sustain.

Decisions that must be made at major crossroads in life sometimes bring up intense feelings of anxiety or confusion. Large or sudden experiences of loss or change can also become overwhelming at times, whether these relate to loved ones, work or financial situations, health issues or any other important aspect of life.

People often come to me believing that there must be something wrong with them if they are feeling lost or stuck or unhappy in some way. But from my perspective, my clients are usually dealing with normal human reactions to extraordinary difficulties. The more they are able to understand and accept the way they feel, the more they are able to come to terms with what has happened and make conscious choices for themselves and their relationships as they go forward.