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Maybe you're thinking something like...

"I really don't know what to do... Nothing I try seems to work." or

"He (or she) is just impossible!"

In my view, it is normal for human beings to be affected by the painful, disappointing and sometimes shocking things that happen in our lives and relationships, and also normal to seek help in trying to heal from these experiences and create a better future.

I have nothing but respect for the courage I know it takes to reach out when you’re feeling upset, confused and vulnerable.

My clients say that working with me helps them feel:

  • More at ease with themselves,
  • More in control of the choices they make, and
  • More connected to the people who matter to them.

My own life has presented me with many wrenching challenges, but also with profound experiences of healing and integration. All of these experiences contribute to my capacity for understanding and compassion in working with others.

You might think of me like an experienced wilderness guide - someone who knows this territory well and can help you find a path that doesn't go in circles or into dead-end canyons, but that leads you to where you want to go.

I view counseling as a way to help you
get on with your life -- not a way of life.

Maybe you could find your way on your own, but working with me can save you a lot of time and pain, or possibly save your relationship from going past the point of no return.

I've been practicing as a counselor, coach and psychotherapist for many years, having received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1977 and been licensed first as a Marriage and Family Counselor in 1979 and then as a Clinical Psychologist in 1985. I continue actively pursuing opportunities for professional development.